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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Financial literacy - women understanding money

Money may not make you happy, but putting yourself in charge of your money can give you more choice about how you live your life. So it's worth taking the time to think about how you handle your money and what you can do to make the most of it.

You could ask yourself what's your relationship with money like?

Financial literacy is the ability to make informed judgements about money. People with good financial literacy skills make better decisions about their money, are able to plan for their future financial needs and are able to achieve their financial goals.

If you are in need of emergency financial relief you can contact:

  • Anglicare phone 1 800 243 232
  • Salvation Army phone (03) 6228 8400
  • St Vincent De Paul phone (03) 6333 0822.

If you are homeless, or in need of emergency accommodation you can contact Colony 47 on 1800 265 669.