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Elizabeth (Libby) Doddridge

Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women logo
Libby Doddridge

Awarded for service to education and training; community

Born: 12 June 1945

Entered on roll: 2023

"Meeting scribes and scribblers"

Many memories, social and community histories have been captured thanks to Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Doddridge encouraging people to write.

In the 1990s Libby ran and coordinated the Adult Education course, “Writing Memories” and organised “Scribes and Scribblers” for people wanting to continue their writing.

Independent groups such as “The Memory Writers” also formed. To facilitate writers wishing to progress further, Libby arranged an eight-week course “Typescript to Manuscript”.

Libby arranged the venues, brought morning tea, set up the room and welcomed participants to the class. Each week Libby took notes on the individual’s contributions, sensitively critiqued work and invited writers to inspire classes. The classes resulted in many memories becoming published books.

Confidentiality and respect were the foundation of Libby’s classes. Participants in Libby’s groups have included people writing about family histories, traumatic experiences such as childhood sexual abuse, harrowing experiences during war, family issues, illness and more. Some researched family stories, remembering precious holidays, recounting early days of adventures in marriage and family. Others gradually uncovered trauma and made sense of their life experiences. For each the support and friendship of the group was sustaining as was Libby’s affirming and professional guidance.

Libby’s community interests were not just restricted to writing. Her community contributions included a long-term involvement in the Bothwell Golf Club, the Bream Creek Show, working tirelessly (but unsuccessfully) to save her family’s parish church, Old Farmers’ Day an initiative towards mental health and wellbeing for the country people, and membership of the Tasmanian Council of Adult Literacy. Libby has also served 15 years with Women’s Golf Tasmania.

Libby and the Scribes and Scribblers continue to meet 30 years on, sharing their stories, supporting each other, and preserving social history in the process.

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