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Department of Premier and Cabinet

A Typical Gender Inclusive Model

A stage-by-stage approach

Identify and define the issue

What is the issue that the Government is seeking to address? Explore the issue and how it is represented. Identify the factors that may affect gender equality and the ways in which the issue is understood. Factors may be cultural, economic, political, legal or socio-economic.

Set objectives to achieve outcomes

What does the Government want to achieve in relation to this issue? Identify the objectives of a policy, program or service that are necessary to address the issue to improve the outcomes for everyone. The objectives of a policy, program or service can either perpetuate or overcome existing inequalities between women and men. Broadly, the focus should be how the policy, program or service can support the Government’s overall strategy for achieving gender equality.

Gather information

What data and information is needed? Identify your information needs and collect relevant data. Consult the community. Use reports, studies and guides that employ methodologies sensitive to the impact of gender in designing your research.

Develop and analyse options

Develop solutions to address the gender and diversity issues you have identified. Consider how each option may benefit or disadvantage women, men and gender diverse people. Include gender-specific measures in each option.

Make recommendations

Recommendations should be based on the analysis of the options. It is presented in terms of the favourable and unfavourable impacts and implications and the policy, program or service environment.


How can the policy, program or service be implemented in an equitable manner.


Communication surrounding a recommended policy, program or project can play a significant role in its acceptance and implementation.

Monitor and evaluate

Monitoring and evaluation helps determine how well policies, programs or services are attaining their objectives and provides opportunities to make improvements. Gender-based evaluation provides information and techniques to design, implement and interpret evaluations in a manner that improves awareness of gender implications.