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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Women on Tasmanian boards and committees

Continuing our Progress

Women on Boards Strategy 2020-25  cover

The Tasmanian Government is committed to increasing diversity and the representation of women on Tasmanian Government boards and committees.

On 22 November 2020, the Tasmanian Government released the ‘Women on Boards Strategy 2020-2025: Continuing our progress’. The Strategy builds upon the progress made under the ‘Women on Boards Strategy 2015-2020’, with a refreshed set of actions to deliver the target of 50 per cent representation of women across Government boards and committees.

The Strategy includes practical actions across four focus areas:

  • Strengthen pathways;
  • Create contemporary systems and processes;
  • Influence change; and
  • Monitor equity.

As at 30 June 2020, women held 46.4 per cent of positions on all Government boards and committees. This is an increase of 12.6 per cent since the release of the first ‘Women on Boards Strategy 2015-2020’ in 2015, when 33.8 per cent of all board positions were held by women.

Women on Boards Strategy 2020-2025

Open the Women on Boards Strategy 2020-2025: Continuing our Progress:

Increasing Women's participation on Boards and Committees

On 1 July 2015, the Tasmanian Government released the Women on Boards Strategy 2015-20: A Five-Year Plan for Improving Gender Equity on Tasmanian Government Boards and Committees.

The Strategy outlined actions for increasing women’s participation on government boards and committees. It also complemented the Tasmanian Women’s Strategy 2018-21 and helped break down the barriers that produce inequities for women and girls.

Board Vacancies

To find out about current Tasmanian Government board and committee vacancies, visit the Board Vacancy webpage or email