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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Womensport and Recreation Tasmania


Womensport and Recreation Tasmania Inc (WSRT) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing leadership, improving opportunities, and providing advocacy to progress females in all areas of sport and recreation in Tasmania.

WSRT’s activities include delivery of programs that develop the leadership potential of women in sport; makes submissions to influence policy development; and actively promotes the achievement of women and girls to increase the visibility of females in sport and recreation.

WSRT also runs the Get Active Program, a statewide initiative that engages with people who are currently experiencing barriers to physical activity to become more active and to consider important issues that directly relate to their health and wellbeing. 

Participants take part in a 10-week series of 2-hour workshops, covering motivation, stress management, self-esteem, nutrition, goal setting and incorporating a regular fun physical component.

Website:       Womensport and Recreation Tasmania
